Casting a wide net (to maximize reach) is an idiom as old as the Bible, but efficacy in message platforms is a critical consideration when interacting with your audience. This Best Practice Tip takes a look at Instagram, the Facebook-owned image- and video-sharing social media platform.
In October 2020, the Pew Research Center’s Fact Tank published an article titled, “8 Facts About Americans and Instagram,” and the number crunchers peeled back some interesting insight into Instagram users.
Even though Instagram has been around for a decade, researchers found that less than four-in-ten Americans said they ever used Instagram. While that number is significantly higher than the nine percent who responded affirmatively when the question was last asked in 2012, it pales in comparison to more established platforms like Facebook and YouTube.
Depending on your audience, the composition of most Instagram users is also an important consideration when determining if Instagram is the most effective vehicle to disseminate your message. According to the survey’s respondents, three-quarters of American users most likely to use Instagram are between the ages of 18-24. Women versus men are also more likely to use Instagram (43% vs. 31%).
However, if your demographic falls within the aforementioned audience, Instagram can be an effective way to communicate your message: 63% of adult users say they use the site every day. And that number grows to 72% if your audience is a teenager.
It is noteworthy that the research bared out that Instagram is not a top social media site for getting news. Only 14% of adults say they ever get news on Instagram, which in today’s fractured media landscape can be a nice open lane for communicating without the clutter of “fake” news.
Lastly, if taint by association is a factor — and we’re looking at you, Facebook — researchers found that less than three-in-ten Americans even know that Instagram is owned by the Silicon Valley behemoth.
If your message is photo-friendly, adaptable to being promoted by “influencers,” and is targeted toward a younger, more female-than-male customer, Instagram may be a better bet than other, better known, social media sites.
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